How To Pack A One Hitter
They produce less smoke than a pipe or joint and can be easily stowed and inhaled. There is a classic, if not old-fashioned, method of smoking weed, which is preferred by many, namely the use of a pipe, but not all pipe types are one-hitter pipes . One-hitters and dugouts are heavier than a single piece, so the idea is to twist, pack and store the bowl at the end of the weed. A cigarette-style one-hitter is a small pipe connected at its end to a narrow bowl-shaped for a single inhalation or blowing. Make sure you don't pack a one-hitter into the end of the pipe, whether you opt for scissors or fingers to grind your weed. Lift the tube upwards and suck in the end of the inhaler while you light up the desired weed. If you are using a single piece of one-hitter, stamp the end of the bowl with ground cannabis and use enough pressure to pack the weed. Take the end of your pipe, bowl face down, and dip it in your dugout. Apply a little pressur...