Reuseable Cigar Mouthpiece Set

Reuseable Cigar Mouthpiece Set
This Reuseable Cigar Mouthpiece Set is the perfect accessory for any cigar enthusiast. It includes a set of four cigar mouthpiece holder tip crafted from high-quality solid wood

The wood Cigar Mouthpiece is reusable. Simply clean them with warm water and soap after use, then let them dry before using again.

Each piece has a different size and shape to ensure that they fit comfortably in your mouth while you smoke your favorite cigar.

The Cigar Mouthpiece Set itself has been designed to fit snugly into the cigar, allowing you to enjoy your favorite cigar without worrying about losing it or dropping it on the ground.

This is a great product for the cigar smoker who enjoys the experience of smoking a fine cigar. This mouthpiece not only protects your lips from the heat of your cigar, but it also comes in a variety of sizes allowing you to fit any size cigar



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